
The process entailed isn’t designed in rumination. It’s designed by living. Since 2001 I have been refining and repeating Simpl mending and etc. It’s visible that multiple cycles of mends are stitched together. Practicing the process on the same pants with a refusal to stop. It can expand to every item of clothing and anything a needle and thread can mend. My main threads feel better and look better with each season of mending. This infectious concept can change everything that it touches. Begin your own bespoke lifestyle, rarely lacking in intrigue. A respect for the true contour of the manifested body coincided by merit filled shoulder and leg refuge for those it suits….

DDiSi’s intent is to welcome all shapes, sizes, wealth, and backgrounds. Being both humble and grandiose, radical and tempered, rebellious and true to form. I assign NO genres, class, style or status to this concept. I want to pave a path of redefined wealth and high art with freedom from the redundancy of elation in excess that seeks remedies where there is none. Material isn’t different on the other side of the fence, it’s just earth with an ego attached. Life sources withheld for phenomenal reasons..

Love what you got, DON’T END IT MEND IT. Wearing out your gear is essential to have the Set to Rot iconic look that wreaks of tenure. Slow isn’t a bad thing. Surviving the lowest lows and not clinging to ease is where greatness is made. Depression isn’t a curse it’s a hammer and flames, and life is the scalding iron. Strike it while it’s hot even though there’s perceived dangers. Please be safe, but your threads are going to experience stress vs. pre-mended factory line faded jeans…

The perspective standards of beauty aimed at profiting off your body dysmorphia is what keeps you under the thumb of the fashion industry. Buy-buy-buy-sell-sell-sell, never live! The soul’s flame is so often tempered by the judgements of others, yet ascending to the pedestal to which judgements are cast is like angrily grasping at sand. The pedestal of grandiosity is perpetuated by our belief and trust in it.

What has this fashion pedestal done to deserve being worshiped? Depending on the season, you roll the uneven dice with no consistency. That’s chaos! Not my playfully punk spunk.

